Period Farm House

Period Farm House
This former farm house was built in 1857 representing the peak of Victorian fashion. In 2019-2021 work began in its restoration to a modern family home. McMillan & Holder were commissioned by the principle contractor and family to undertake significant and comprehensive repairs and replacement to all the stone details on the house. Almost, without exception, every stone mullion and transom window on the house was fully or partially replaced. Additional works to gables, coping, door surrounds, two new fireplaces and chimney details.
The earliest map evidence for the farm dates from 1817. It is shown clearly on the Tithe map of 1843, where there are two L-shaped barns, with a third building to the south. The accompanying apportionments notes house, buildings, fold, and garden, with the adjacent plot described as a yard. It is assumed that the original farmhouse was the building to the south. This was replaced in 1857 by this architecturally fashionable, larger building, facing the park.